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    In this article, we covered the basics of Interfaces and Classes in TypeScript. An interface is a contract that defines the shape of an object, specifying properties and methods that objects should have, while a class is a blueprint that can be used to create objects with a specific structure and behavior. Interfaces are purely for type checking and can be used to enforce a certain structure in code, document code, and enforce consistency, while classes can be used to create objects with a specific structure and behavior. We also covered some advanced features of interfaces such as optional properties, read-only properties, and function types.
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    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other language features. Type declarations allow you to specify the expected type of a variable, function, or other value. This can help you catch errors at compile-time and make it easier to reason about your code. TypeScript includes built-in types and also allows you to create custom types using interfaces and classes. Using type declarations can help you write more predictable and reliable code.